
Ester Adams


How Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Differ From Those on a PC

If you’re coming from a windows environment, you may notice a few differences when using the Mac keyboard shortcuts. These functions increase productivity when dealing with Mac applications.

Since the release of the M1 apple chip, apple products expect to have increased sales in 2021. If you decide to buy a Macbook, understanding the mac keyboard special characters will help your workflow. This short guide will give you insight into how Mac keyboard shortcuts differ from Windows shortcuts.

Computer Keyboard Keys

This section will chart the computer keyboard keys and their functions. On a typical Mac keyboard seen on newer Macs, are the special command, fn, and option keys in the lower left-hand corner. These keys are located next to the space bar on either side.

The primary one on a Mac is the command key and you also have your control key next to this command function. On a Windows computer, the primary key was known as the control key. This key would be used to control most functions in windows.

This control key doesn’t work in the same way on Mac keyboards. The key that maps directly is the command key. There are many macOS keyboard shortcuts added to the latest operating system.

For example, in Windows, if you would want to copy text, you would use the control C keys. On Mac, you wouldn’t use control C keys but rather you would use command C.

You can see this easily by using the dropdown menu on the top of a Mac. The user should select the Edit dropdown menu. In this menu, you can see the functions Cut, Copy, and Paste.

These functions also have a small shortcut listed on the right of the dropdown menu. This can be a quick way to refresh your memory of what the shortcuts are when you’re on your home screen.

You’ll notice a little helix-type of symbol next to the shortcuts. This is the same symbol as the command key symbol. So instead of control on Windows we have:

  • Command X – Cut
  • Command C – Copy
  • Command V – Paste
  • Command A – Select All

Another more direct kind of mapping from Windows is the option key or Alt key. The option key on certain Macs includes the actual Alt lettering on the key function at the top.

So, anything you did with the alt key on Windows most likely works with the option key on Mac. There’s no second key like the confusion seen with the control key.

If you again look at the keyboard shortcuts in the Finder panel, you’ll see more shortcut options. For example, if you see the Hide Finder option you’ll see an additional option called Hide Others.

This function requires the Command key, plus the H key pressed along with the option key.

  • Hide Finder – Command H
  • Hide Others – Options Command H

The Hide Others selection lists the options symbol as well as the command symbol.

Another difference is a key known as the delete key. The delete key on a Mac is the same as the backspace key on a Windows keyboard. These two keys are placed in the same position.

Although some older Macs call it the backspace key. The newer macs are known to have “delete” on the delete key.

Finder and Files

In the finder window, you can highlight files individually or as a group. There are many different ways to handle files in Mac as opposed to Windows.

One example to note is to rename an item you can press F2 on Windows. But, on Mac you simply select the file, so it is highlighted, and press the return key. The return key will instantly select the title of the file, allowing for renaming.

The arrow keys will also allow you to maneuver around the title for revisions. If we hit the enter key with the file selected, it will open a file. Of course, you can double-click it on the mouse too.

To get information on the file properties or codec, you must first highlight the file. After highlighting you can press Command-I. You can see this shortcut in the Finder’s window under the file dropdown menu, called Get Info.

To make a copy of a file on Windows, you would usually press Control. But, on Mac, you can press the option key and drag the file with your mouse.

So the following file related commands include:

  • Return – Selects a File
  • Arrow Keys – Moves Around Title
  • Return While Selected – Opens File
  • Command I – Properties
  • Option – Copies File

To cycle through between different tabs press Command and Tab. This application switcher is similar to Windows.

To quit an Application, you can press command and Q. This is a simpler version of the Alt and F4 keys on Windows computers.

Newer Macs now contain trackpads and a laser based mouse that can replicate Windows functions. A right click on a windows based computer can open up the context menu.

On Macs, a single click while holding the control key can open up the context menu for you. This function works not only on finders but inside of different applications as well. This is an easy way to streamline context functions.

When applications are struggling to close on Windows, the Control-Alt-Delete keys were used to bring up the task manager. On Macs, it’s a completely different set of keys. The Command, Option, and Escape keys are used to bring up the force quit window.

Once this window is opened, you can select a running application and close the Window. If you press the force quit option, the window or application selected will close.

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

These common mapping functions will streamline your use of the Mac keyboard shortcuts. These quick shortcuts will soon increase productivity in your day to day workflow.

After a bit of practice, you will become more familiar with the computer keyboard keys and their functions. Did you find these tips useful? If you want more tips on how to handle your Macbook be sure to check out the tech section of our blog!

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Home Improvement

Why Investing in Waterproofing Services is Good for You

Investing in waterproofing services can inadvertently save you some money if you do it earlier. Problems involving how to control water pipe leaks and other related concerns that may have constantly affected your house or commercial space needs to be resolved in an efficient and timely manner. Doing so will not only help you attain more time for other productive matters, but it will also help you prevent any inconveniences that may ensue in the long run.

Waterproofing Services Protects your Floor from Damage

Basement waterproofing and applying epoxy-based solution to your flooring can help protect it from the extensive damage that may occur when there are water leaks. For this reason, the majority of the homeowners opt to have waterproofing services to accommodate to these concerns. Additionally, the supplementary functions of adding more layers of epoxy to the floors make it durable, hygienic, and aesthetically pleasing. If you are looking for a solution to your water pipe leak problems, consider looking for waterproofing services online and get a direct quote of their services. They offer quick services, and they can help you with your other waterproofing concerns. 

Minimize the Occurrence of Flooding 

One of the best things that can be gained from incorporating waterproofing services into your abode is that it can exponentially minimize the occurrence of flooding. By checking on the pipes’ status and condition, you rest assured that all of the water connections are correctly installed and placed, and no water leaks can damage your walls and flooring. Correspondingly, there are multiple waterproofing services online that can be contacted to fit into your specific waterproofing concerns. Consider availing of these types of services to prevent any flooding in your area!

Minimize Mould Growth

Mould and algae formation heavily rely on moisture. Detecting water leaks’ presence is one way to spot if there is mould formation in your water pipe system. By having professional consultation and examination, you can check if there are minimal leaks in the area and you can also have it fixed right away. What is even more concerning about this mould formation is that it can trigger some health concerns and may also cause health hazards if not resolved quickly. 

Waterproofing Services Adds More Value to your Home

Consulting for these types of waterproofing services can help you upscale your house’s resale value. Periodically checking for any leaks and ensuring that the water system is in its good running condition can help attract potential buyers. It can give off a feeling that your house is well maintained and is ideal for living conditions. Moreover, a waterproofed house is preferred by buyers because it saves them from the hassle and cost associated with fixing. Consider these types of services if you are planning to sell your house!

Waterproofing Services Removes Unwanted Smell from Pipeleaks

One of the consequences of an unmaintained water connection is that the mould growth may send off an unwanted and putrid smell. As a homeowner, you would not want to have a certain kind of smell in your house, right? Thus, waterproofing solutions not only provide structural efficiency but it can also help remove these kinds of smell.

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Blown Away: Is The Revolutionary Car Wash Dryer Worth The Hype?

Recently, car enthusiasts have found a better way to keep their beloved cars spotless and still flawless. We all know that car washing itself can tarnish the flawlessness of the car. It can acquire light scratches marks, spots and couldn’t remove all debris all at once. With the entry of car blowers or car dryers in the market, it intrigued many people. This article is to further educate you on the functions and advantages of owning a car dryer. So, let the facts blow you away!

How is a car wash dryer built?

Well, if we hear the word ‘dryer’, we can visualize a machine that helps evaporate water through heat. Their designs and sizes vary depending on their function and specifications. Like the BLO Car Dryer, it is considered one of the car dryers with a very lightweight and efficient design. Varieties of designs are available for every role. There’s a compact one (AIR-S), a heavy-duty one (AIR-GT) and their safest that has the touchless function (AIR-RS). They prioritized consumers’ practicality by making their hoses almost 5 meters to move around their vehicle quickly.

To further widen your knowledge about this, we will impart three things that are necessary when it comes to choosing the best car wash dryer for your own car or even for commercial use:

  • Not all car dryers are big and bulky: As mentioned, an example is the BLO Car Dryer. It has varieties suited to each model’s specifications and function. It is ideal for residential kind of car drying. While for commercials, it is better if you get a bigger unit. Although always remember that you shouldn’t sacrifice the machine’s function to get a smaller one. 
  • “If I want a fast-drying blower, I should choose something that has a high horsepower: Horsepower is not necessarily relative to the ability of the machine to dry the car easily, for this is said to be not energy efficient.
  • It will be noisy to use: This is the main issue for some users, especially those who are just using the machine at home and the noise can disturb their neighbours. So, It is strongly suggested to research very well in choosing the right unit. There’s no such thing as a quiet blower, but there’ll always be quieter than the other. 

Air Drying is still more efficient

A devoted car person would know that air drying is doing you more harm than good. The water that is being used in car washes isn’t ensured to be clean at all times. It may contain minerals and small organisms that we don’t even notice. And these minerals get left behind on the car’s surface and leave a residue that won’t be evaporated in the air immediately. This commonly happens in dark-coloured cars. The marks, spots and deposits left can tarnish the flawlessness of the car’s surface and paint quality. The liquid may not be there anymore, but it surely left a mark. Negative effects of air drying may not be obvious in one wash, but as calcium and other kinds of minerals build up on your car’s surface, it’ll develop damages for sure.

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3 Crucial Steps to Prepare Your Car for Auto Detailing

Sydney records the most number of citizens in Australia. The major economic, tourism, and cultural hub of New South Wales has 4,914,343 residents as of 2019. Most working-age residents find their jobs in the city’s Central Business District and other major suburbs like Parramatta, Macquarie Park, and Bondi Junction. 

Since the economy is good in the city, most households can buy at least one vehicle to use as a form of transportation. The latest statistics claimed that 46% of Greater Sydney residents have access to two or more vehicles. It means that industries like car detailing in Sydney are also doing well. 

If you own a car, it is important to ensure that you take care of your vehicle’s integrity for as long as possible. Regular trips to car detailing shops are very important. It will help ensure that you enjoy the smooth-sailing drive of your vehicle for a long time. 

If you are about to go to a car detailing shop, you need to prepare your vehicle before the professionals take over properly. Here are the things you need to do before you take your vehicle to an auto detailing shop.  

  • Decide on the Type of Car Detailing You Want 

Car detailing shops offer two major services, interior detailing and exterior detailing. 

The first one is perfect for vehicles that accumulated plenty of interior dirt, especially after a road trip. It will eliminate all the hidden food crumbs on the seats or all the neglected papers and receipts concealed by the carpets. It will also get rid of pet hair and stains after a thorough cleaning. 

Meanwhile, the exterior detailing will make your car look shiny and new. It will minimise the appearance of dents and scratches. This service will also eradicate all the stubborn watermarks left during your previous car wash session. You may consult with your car detailing service provider to help you decide which service is right for your vehicle. 

  • Call the Shop in Advance 

It is important to contact the car detailing shop beforehand to secure a slot for your preferred time. This step is very important, especially during the Fall when most car owners choose to get the services in preparation for the winter. 

Scheduling your car detailing session also allows the shop to prepare for your arrival. It will let them gather all the necessary tools and equipment needed to make your car look great. You may also inform the service provider to put you on a routine schedule to ensure that you have the car washed regularly

  • Clear Your Vehicle

If you want to ensure that the professionals thoroughly clean your vehicle from the inside and out, you must take out the contents before going to the auto detailing shop. 

You must leave personal items like bags, toys, and papers at home. You must also clear out the gloves box and centre consoles. It will lessen the amount of time that the professionals would use when detailing your car.  

Bonus Tip: Look For A Bigger Work Area 

Some shops for car detailing in Sydney may opt to visit your place to do their services. If you have no time to drop your car at their shop, you may ask them to head over to your place to do the work. But you need to ensure that they can comfortably access all the sides of your car and have plenty of areas to open the doors for detailed cleaning. 

You must also ensure that there are no other parked vehicles nearby. Also, ensure that there are no possible environmental hazards like trees, yard equipment, and approaching traffic to ensure the safety of your vehicle and the professionals working on it. By doing all this preparation for auto detailing, you can get an assurance that your vehicle will look new after the service. 

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To Do or Not to Do? Ceramic Car Coating

Nothing turns heads in a street but a shiny highly polished car. It can be parked, stalled, or stuck in traffic. It attracts attention because the colour stands out. On a bright shiny day, it can even shimmer like glass. And guess what, it does not matter if it isn’t a Mercedes Benz S-class or Tesla. As long as your car is shining, shimmering and splendid, you will get those ogling eyes and craning necks to check out the driver. Now, if you have not experienced that, you might want to consider getting a ceramic car coating. This new waxing technique elevates waxing to a whole new level. 

This coating system uses a special type of chemical (silica and titanium dioxide) manually applied by professionals to your car by nanotechnology. Besides giving your car added value, it gives extra protection that lasts for at least ten years, as long as maintenance instructions are followed. 

Here are its promises:

  1. Scratch protection

Car dings and scratches can tick any car owner off. When you take so much care in opening your car door so it does not hit another car or the wall, but when you come back, you notice a dot of white on your door when your car is red! Aargh! 

A ceramic coating will give your car’s finish a glass-like barrier that gives your car super protection from damages like dings and scratches. That’s peace of mind right there!

  1. UV Rays protection

Australian hot sun can wreak UV damage on your car. Constant exposure to the UV light can penetrate your car to the metal. This causes that dull finish after a few years. Damage from the sun also causes your car paint to expand that opens small pores. These are the gateways for saltwater to get in and once that salt combines with metal, you know what happens. Rust happens. 

The ceramic coating gives your car the essential layer to protect it from UV light and saltwater damage no paint nor wax can provide. 

  1. Hydrophobic 

Slow down, slippery when wet. That is a piece of good advice for drivers. But did you know that more accidents happen during light rain than on heavy downpour (70% wet pavement and 46% from rainfall)? And one more thing, light rain is bad for your car’s finish too. It is not true that hard rain and water pools give your car a good outer and under wash. Revving your car as you pass a pool of water cannot match the pressurized water’s action of removing hardened mud and grime from your car. It is best to wash your car after rain. It will remove splatters of grease and mud and will protect your car’s paint.

Ceramic car coating provides a water-repellant feature to your car. Acid rain ruins a car’s paint finish. The hydrophobic feature of ceramic coating also allows rainwater to just slip and slide through your car’s exterior. Very convenient in the rainy season and hard rainfalls when your car wiper had to work double-time to clear your vision.


Car maintenance goes beyond preventive maintenance schedules and vacuuming. It extends to keeping your car’s exterior polished and protected.  A vintage car costs a premium for a reason. With all the benefits that a ceramic car coating gives, how can you lose? Get it done and get it done professionally. Go to a trusted car detailing studio and as you come home, wait until your wife says, “You bought a car without telling me?”

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Home Improvement

6 Key Factors to Consider When Building a Custom Home 

What factors should you look for when customising homes? The current value of an average Brisbane home is AUD560,000, according to Smart Property Investment. The Brisbane housing market spiked in 2020 despite downturns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

When picking a construction company for building your home in the city, one option is to contact custom home builders in Brisbane

While looking for this service in Australia’s third-largest city, you have to be sure with certain factors, and they are:

  • Style

When selecting a house style, you have lots of options that might be popular or trending. One example is the “Queenslander,” which is a house on stilts. This housing design is popular to deal with various regional factors like high temperatures, storm flooding, and pest infestations.

When selecting a house style, you also have options like modern or traditional styles. The classic housing styles are related mostly to different construction periods. In fact, the various options are like a historical timeline of Brisbane itself. This includes different options, like houses constructed during the colonial period.

Other popular home styles are influenced by different regions. This includes ones like England, Spain, and the USA. These options were originally developed abroad and yet have influenced the Australian housing market.

  • Size

When customising homes, the building’s size is certainly a factor. In fact, you can find building companies with specialisations like small lots. Small lots and narrow blocks can have an effect on the house’s size. 

On the other hand, you can also pick space-saving options like multi-storey townhouses, which have a small footprint but still contain the same perks as big houses. 

  • Layout

Your house’s blueprint is another one of the key factors to consider. There are several details to sort out like, how many bedrooms and bathrooms will the home have? How large will rooms be, and where will they be located? Where will you place windows and doors? Etc.

  • Fittings and Fixtures

These bits and pieces in your new home include several different items, like:

  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Heating/Cooling systems
  • Doors
  • Carpeting 
  • Kitchenware

While some of these items, like appliances and heaters/coolers, are big in size, others like silverware, mirrors, and photos are small. However, all of these elements are critical for creating a truly customised home. 

Like other aspects of home customisation, the right building company can select the best items to create a truly personalised home.

  • Colours

This is a major factor that’s related to different components of your new home. That includes the exterior and interior, walls and floor, furniture and furnishings. In fact, you can find a team of colour experts who can help to mix and match things like wallpaper, furniture pieces, and tiles.

The process of selecting colours for your custom home is an art and a science. On the one hand, there’s the colour wheel that includes primary, secondary, and complementary colours. Meanwhile, there’s also the process of blending these colours in a way that provides perfect aesthetics. For instance, you can mix and match black and white with primary or pastel colours. 

If you want a personalised residence in the capital city,  you can find the most suitable team of custom home builders in Brisbane. This is important since local builders will know about building ordinances that are specific to Brisbane city. This is critical to ensure your home’s design follows all local building codes.

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