
How to Create the Perfect Game Room Setup

How does teaming up with friends to solve puzzles sound? How about exploring new worlds or learning more about our own?

Video games allow you to do all of that and so much more. It’s no wonder that 214 million Americans play video games at least once a week. 

However, not all of those people play in the right game room setup. That’s unfortunate since the space you play in can make or break your gaming experience. 

To help you understand what a solid game room design looks like, we’ve put together this guide. Once you finish reading, you’ll have the knowledge you need to create a space that takes your gaming skills and enjoyment to the next level. 

Read on to learn all about how the perfect game room setup looks. 

A Comfortable Chair

Every quality gaming setup starts with the chair. A comfortable chair will keep you feeling good no matter how many hours you spend playing into the night. 

When looking at different chair models, try to look for ergonomic options. These are chairs that work to keep you comfortable and injury-free. 

Other factors you want to consider include the fabric, the type of cushions it has, and whether it has adjustable armrests. If possible, try to sit in different types of gaming chairs before committing to one!

The Right Desk

Desks are also another important element to consider. True, you can play on a makeshift table or flat surface, but you want a space specifically for gaming, don’t you?

The desk you end up getting should fit nicely into the room where you play. You don’t want it to appear bulky or too large, but you also need to ensure that it can house all of your game room accessories.

Some desks also come with cabinets and other storage options that can give you a place to store different accessories. Choose a desk shape and style that accommodates all of your wants and needs. 

A Headset

If you’re someone who plays multiplayer games or games with friends, do yourself a favor and invest in a solid gaming headset. 

A gaming headset is the easiest way to communicate directly with people you’re playing with. Having one prevents you from having to waste time typing out chat messages.

Headsets also provide you with great audio. This makes for a more enjoyable experience no matter what genre you enjoy playing. That said, fans of action and horror games will particularly love playing with a headset. 

Large Monitors

You can have the comfiest chair, the biggest desk, and the crispest audio in the world, but if you can’t see what you’re playing, it’ll all be for nothing. 

Make sure you set aside some funds from your game room budget to invest in a quality monitor. If money isn’t a problem, you can even get two. This will allow you to do two things at once, such as play while streaming. 

A 4k monitor will provide you with professional-level image quality. If that’s not in your budget, get a monitor that has a faster refresh rate. Most gaming monitors have 120Hz.  


You might think that gaming in the dark sounds nice, but the truth is that it’s terrible for your eyes. Doing so for extended periods of time can cause headaches and even affect your vision.

You want there to be enough light to help make things easier for your eyes, but not so much that it impacts your gaming experience. Strip lights around your monitor are a great option, as are string lights and other softer, more ambient varieties. 

Just make sure that whatever lights you get are easy to turn off. You don’t want to have to turn off ten lights whenever you finish gaming for the night. 

A Rocking Sound System

Sound is another factor that can make or break a gaming experience. Even if you’re not an audiophile, put a lot of thought into the sound output your system uses. 

If your monitor has speakers, there’s a good chance they aren’t too powerful. At least get a set of speakers to go on either side of your computer. If you’re looking to splurge, a soundbar can blast sound around the room.

You can also invest in the previously mentioned headset, as well as in a pair of headphones. These will deliver a more personal experience but might not be the best for gaming with more than one person in the room. 

A Powerful Rig 

Of course, you also want to build a powerful computer to play the games you enjoy. You don’t want your gaming rig to squeak by, you want it to churn through whatever you through at it without a problem. 

You can buy premade computers, but these are often more expensive. Besides helping you save money, building your own computer is also a rewarding experience.

Do your research to ensure you get the parts you need but don’t end up spending more than you should. 

Invest in the Best Game Room Setup

Whether you’re thinking about dipping your toes into the world of gaming or have enjoyed video games for years, it’s never a bad idea to improve your current game room setup. By taking the time to plan things out beforehand, you can ensure that you get all the necessary components while staying frugal.

Use this guide to help you do just that. By following the tips mentioned in this guide, you’ll be able to build the perfect game room setup. 

Are you looking for more game room design guides and tips? If so, make sure to check out the rest of our site for all things tech.