
The Complete Guide to Buying Lifting Equipment for Your Business

If you work in the manufacturing or construction business, you know that having the right equipment is essential. It can make all the difference when trying to meet deadlines and grow your business.

Buying lifting equipment can also be a daunting process. There are so many options to choose from, that it can be difficult to know where to start.

The good news is that, as long as you have a good sense of what you must accomplish with a lift, including weight and frequency of operations, it should be easy to make a decision. Keep reading to find out which types of lifting equipment will both ensure you get the job done and the safety of your workers.

Manual Lifts

Manual hoists are the most basic option, as well as the most affordable. They use either a chain or cable attached to the lever system. Their simple design makes them easy to maintain and repair.

If you have a limited lifting equipment budget, manual hoists are a good choice. Across the board, they will be the most affordable option.

Manual hoists are often compact and lightweight. This makes them much more transportable than other lifts.

On the flip side, operating a manual hoist can demand a great deal of labor. There also have much lower load and height capacities. They also operate much slower than other types of hoists.

Electric Hoists

Electric hoists are a good cost-effective middle ground between manual hoists and more heavy-duty types of lifting equipment. They are quiet and allow operators to easily adjust the speed.

While electric hoists afford great precision when lifting, there are limitations. They can lift moderately heavy equipment but, depending on the type you select, can only lift a certain weight. Although there are some electric hoists, like Inca Lifts, that can raise large vehicles.

Another thing to keep in mind when buying lifting equipment is that electric hoists are not intended for repetitive use. Doing so can cause the motor to burn out.

Pneumatic Hoists

Pneumatic hoists are similar to electric lifts but use compressed air as power. Unlike electric lifts, they are suitable for repetitive lifting. They also are usually much faster than most electric lifts.

A downside of pneumatic hoists is that they need more maintenance than other lifts. For instance, you should clean the air filters regularly. Without regular upkeep, the machines could malfunction and fail.

Hydraulic Hoists

Hydraulic hoists use compressed fluids to build pressure and create lifting momentum. They provide some of the best lifting power available. They also operate with great precision and are very quiet.

Hydraulic hoists do need an external power supply. They also will be some of the most expensive options on this list, although their installation costs can be lower than some other options.

Learn More about Buying Lifting Equipment

Now that you have an idea of your options when buying lifting equipment, you can decide which is best for your business. Be sure to find a reputable lifting equipment supplier that can further advise you on the options for your budget and unique lifting needs.

We hope you found this information on types of lifting equipment helpful. If so, be sure to take a look at some of our other posts on technology, finance, travel, and many other topics.