
5 Key Benefits of Getting Dental Implants

Did you know that around 120 million people have at least one tooth missing? This means that tooth loss, whether it’s just one or all, is a common problem Americans deal with. These numbers are expected to grow as time goes on.

Because of how common this is, there are different prosthodontic services available. When it comes to resolving oral health, getting dental implants may be a great option.

Dental implants are one of the most popular dental procedures done, as they come with many benefits. Read on to learn about dental implants and the benefits of getting them.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are what replace the current tooth roots someone has. These implants are meant to provide the person with healthier roots for their teeth, whether they are permanent or removable.

If you are wondering, “Should I get dental implants?” speaking with your dentist is the best thing to do. They will be able to let you know whether or not you qualify for them.

Reasons people get dental implants:

  • Tooth loss
  • Injury
  • Tooth decay
  • Periodontal disease

Your dentist may have already spoken with you and explained that you do qualify, so you may be wondering what you can expect and the benefits that come with getting them.

What to Expect Getting Dental Implants

When it comes to any kind of dental work, knowing what to expect helps not only make the process less stressful but gives you an idea of if you are comfortable with getting it done.

If you decide you wish to get dental implants, here is a summary of what you should expect.

While this procedure is very common, multiple things need to be done before, during, and after the procedure.

First, you will have to have a consultation with a dental specialist. This dentist will go over everything to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the implants.

Once it is decided that you qualify, then the removal of the teeth that the implants will replace is done. Afterward, the implants are then put in. You will be under anesthetic, making it painless during the procedure.

Recovery takes usually up to 4 months before any more implants are added. Eating soft foods, taking over-the-counter pain medication, and brushing and flossing properly are the things to do during your recovery. Once your dentist sees you are healing and better, eventually you will go back to eating normal foods and the pain will subside.

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants

Getting dental implants comes with many benefits. You will not only physically feel better, but the procedure can help you feel better in terms of confidence as well.

Here are five benefits of dental implants.

  1. Oral Health Improves

The main benefit of dental implants is the positive impact they have on your oral health. These implants will prevent numerous issues such as tooth loss and cavities.

In addition to the way tooth loss can increase over time, it also can cause an increase in cavities. Teeth shift when any are lost, making them more difficult to clean leading to tooth decay and cavities. Implants can help prevent future cavities from forming.

  1. Prevent Jaw Deterioration

When you lose teeth, the jaw bone density weakens. The more teeth that are lost, the more this can occur taking over your oral health.

Implants will prevent future tooth loss from occurring, keeping your jaw bone density at a healthy level.

  1. Retain Remaining Teeth

Implants not only improve your oral health, but they help you keep healthy natural teeth.

Some people simply get an implant for a couple of lost teeth. These implants fill in the missing gaps, keeping the rest of your teeth in good shape.

  1. Improve Eating and Speaking

Many people who struggle with tooth loss and other dental problems have difficulty eating and speaking the way they did before these problems surfaced. Implants can help with both speaking and eating.

For food to be properly digested, it needs to be chewed thoroughly, and tooth loss can make this difficult. Not to mention it may prevent you from eating certain foods altogether. Implants can help you eat any food as you would without the loss or issues with natural teeth.

The same can be said for speaking, tooth loss can make it difficult to speak. Implants give you the full set of teeth you need to talk comfortably and more clearly.

  1. Improve Confidence and Wellbeing

Tooth loss can put a damper on someone’s confidence and overall wellbeing. Feelings of embarrassment and self-consciousness may arise once someone faces an issue such as tooth loss.

Because of these feelings, many people attempt to hide their teeth while talking or eating.

When getting implants, they can help get your smile back to what it once was. These implants will not only have oral health benefits but can help you get your confidence back!

Dental Implant Tips

Getting dental implants can be a life-changing procedure for some people and might be for you as well. Here are a couple of tips to take into consideration when it comes to dental implants.

Preparing a list of questions for your dental specialist can help you get all the answers you need regarding the procedure and implants.

If you are unsure of where to go for your consultation and procedure, there are a few things to look for when choosing. Looking into reviews, asking your dentist for referrals, and what your insurance would cover where will help you with choosing where to go.

Getting Your Smile Back

No one should have to suffer from discomfort due to oral health issues, and dental implants can help with that! Implants as you have learned come with many benefits and can get you back to smiling confidently and comfortably.

Did you find this information helpful in answering questions regarding getting dental implants? If so, we recommend checking out more in the Health & Fitness category.