
Marie Lentz


5 Car Care Tips You Should Know

A while back, owning a car was considered a luxury. Today, having a vehicle is not only convenient but also saves you a lot of hassle. Buying a car is a significant investment for many, and for this reason, it is only right that you take good care of it.  For it to serve you for long, it is imperative that you lavish it with some tender love and care. That said, below are a few ways you can take good care of your vehicle;


  • Wash it twice a week


Have you ever seen someone driving a dirty car around? If yes,you probably wondered aloud, “Can’t they see the car needs cleaning?” Well, one of the simplest ways that you can take good care of your car is by washing it. The number of times you will wash your car in a week will depend on how dirty it is. You can make a point of washing it at least twice a week for a clean look and remove any dirt particles or liquids that may have spilled on your car.  Ensure that you clean the interior of the car as well. Remember, the hygiene of the interior parts is as important as the exterior- Remove your 3D Maxpider mats, wash them and leave them out to dry. Also, you can vacuum the car at least once a week to remove any dirt particles inside the vehicle.  


  • Take it for regular maintenance


The other thing that you should do is to take your car for regular mechanical checkups. During the routine car checkups, the mechanics check every aspect of your vehicle from the engine, tires, oil, brake fluid, and so on. It is during these routine checkups that they may be able to identify an underlying issue early enough and work on it before it causes serious damage to your car. The mechanics also advise you if your engine needs some cleaning and also give you a date that you should go back for the next car maintenance.


  • Drive carefully


How you drive your car has a huge impact on its health. You cannot expect your car to stay strong if you drive fast through potholes, accelerate on bumps, and so on. You, therefore, need to be very careful on the roads and follow all the traffic rules and signs. This will not only ensure that your car is in perfect shape but also help you avoid causing accidents and getting in the wrong books of the authorities.


  • Polish and wax your car


For an extra shine, you may need to polish and wax your vehicle regularly. Waxing helps add extra shine while car polishing eliminates any minor scratches, oxidation, dirt, and swirls.

Taking good care of your vehicle by following the above-mentioned tips is a good practice. Also, be sure to choose a reputable car insurance company that can help you restore your vehicle in case of any damages caused by accidents.


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Home Repair

Preliminary Checks Before Changing Our Air Conditioning


These are what you should check before changing your air conditioning:

Disassembly Of Drain And Tapes

Now it’s time to take care of the drain. With great care, the internal machine’s pipes are straightened, which in this installation were curved. We will have previously taped them at the end. We unhook the drainpipe (be careful, it will almost certainly have accumulated water) and prepare the whole assembly to pass through the hole in the wall.

Removing The Interior Split And The Bracket

Now it is time to disassemble the indoor unit. The split usually has two clicks that hold it at the bottom to the sheet metal support on the wall, and we will have to find them and unhook them with a screwdriver or an L-shaped tool such as an Allen key. We first disconnected the AC power cables. Once this is done, and the unit is unhooked, the sheet metal bracket is unscrewed from the wall and its tune ups for units.

Reusable Materials

The reusable materials for reinstallation are the four threads, 2 of ¼ tube, and 2 of 3/8 tube (we work with R22), which we will remove with the tube cutter. We carefully turn the pipes of the indoor unit 90º (they are protected by a spring so that they do not chafe when turning them) to remove the pipes from one side of the equipment. We will have to cut the cover of the casing.

Indoor Unit Electrical Connection

We proceed to connect the 5-wire electrical cable that joins the indoor and outdoor units, as previously noted by the numerical correspondence. Now we can work more comfortably at ground level since it is disassembled.

We connect the 220V, 3-wire power cable. For greater comfort, all the masses are joined with a strip, and the cables are fastened with the plastic cable glands with the screw.

We Mount The Indoor Unit In The New Location.

Now we have to decide on the indoor unit metal bracket’s new location towards the room wall’s center. We adapt the gutter because the wall has a column, making the wall a step instead of cutting it with a saw. I discovered that it was much more comfortable to cut it with sheet metal scissors in this reinstallation. The cuts come out more perfect and faster if not we can meet the repair services.


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It’s the Thought That Counts: How to Sell Gift Cards for Cash

Gift cards take the guesswork out of picking someone a present, especially if you don’t know the recipient that well. But it may shock you to hear that $3 billion worth of gift cards go unused every single year in America.

We all know what it’s like to receive unwanted gift cards. Wouldn’t it be easier if you had the cash instead?

Selling gift cards for cash doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. To discover some of the simplest ways of making money online using your gift cards, just keep reading!

Friends and Family

A quick and cost-effective way to sell your unwanted gift cards for cash is through family and friends. There are two ways you can do this:

If a friend or family member frequently visits the shop or website of your gift card, then you’re in luck. Reach out to them!

Use social media to see if anybody would be interested in buying the gift card from you. Just be careful. The person who gave you the card might not be happy to see that you’re selling it.

The benefit of this method is that a friend or family member will often pay >95% of the card’s value, sometimes even the full 100%. It might require a bit more legwork, but the payoff can be worth it.

Gift Card Websites

Around 6% of gift cards are never used. So, it’s no surprise that there are a variety of gift card websites that allow you to sell them.

Some of these websites only allow you to trade your unwanted gift cards for other vouchers or cards. But if you want to sell your gift cards for cash, there are websites for that too.

Gift card websites can differ slightly in terms of their rules. For example, GiftCash and CardPool set the price of your card. For popular retailers, this can be as high as 93% of the card’s value. But you need to have at least $10-$15 on the card to sell it, and at least $5 on e-gift cards.

Raise is an example of a website that gives you the freedom to set the price of the card yourself. You can also sell cards that have partial balances on them. However, you’ll lose 15% of the final sale price as a commission.

Some gift card websites will even offer additional rewards or cashback, simply for buying or selling unwanted gift cards. Have a look at this example to see how it works.

Gift Card Kiosks

Another option is to use a gift card kiosk.

These machines work similarly to a website, whereby you input the info of your card, receive a value, and then choose whether to accept it. If you do, the machine prints off a receipt which can be exchanged for cash via a store cashier.

Gift card kiosks can pay up to 85% of the card’s value. The downside is searching for one and traveling to it.

Ready to Sell Your Gift Cards for Cash?

Did you enjoy the article? We’ve explored the three best options for selling gift cards for cash. If you have any other ideas, we’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment or reach out to us via social media!

Don’t forget to check out our homepage to discover more answers to your questions. We have articles on travel, health, finance, and tech, including ‘How to Sell Gold in 4 Easy Ways’ and ‘3 Tips to Prepare for Texas Hurricane Season’.

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How to Care For Your Beloved Goldfish


While rearing goldfish is a rewarding experience, if you don’t take proper care of your pet, it could die. It is crucial that you keep your goldfish happy at all times, and going through this site will give you a fair idea of how to care for your beloved goldfish. 

Following a few basic steps is all it takes to ensure your goldfish has a perfect home and lives long enough to cheer you when you are depressed. Did you know that watching fish swim is good therapy promoting good mental health?

Here are some tips on how to rear your Goldfish:

Have the Right-Sized Fish Tank

If you plan to rear a single goldfish, you should have a 30 or 40-gallon fish tank because it needs enough swimming space. Without sufficient space to move around, goldfish tend to stop growing. If you wish to rear more than one goldfish, you need to add 15 gallons of extra space for each additional one. 

Please don’t keep the goldfish in temporary plastic bags or containers for too long as they feel suffocated and may die. If there’s an emergency, you may put it in a large plastic bucket before transferring it to a regular fish tank.

Right-sized Gravel at the Bottom

As there is a risk of your goldfish biting gravel, which can choke it, the gravel has to be bigger than its mouth. If the gravel is very tiny, the goldfish may not try to swallow it. Hence either big or small-sized gravel for lining the bottom of the fish tank is ideal. It is advisable to keep rinsing the gravel at regular intervals to collect too much dirt and cause any infections to the goldfish. 

Backdrop and Lighting

To keep your goldfish happy, ensure there’s a lot of greenery (algae, underwater plants) and lighting inside the fish tank. You get fish tanks with preinstalled lighting and aquatic plants. Goldfish tend to be active throughout the day and need lighting to get around. They sleep well during the nights when you should switch off the lights. 

Light is also required for the goldfish to maintain their special coat and color. However, direct sunlight is not good for the health of the goldfish. 

Filter the Water Regularly

You need to have an automatic filter for your goldfish’s fish tank. A three-stage filter is ideal, with the first stage for removing leftover food particles, the second stage (chemical) for removing discolorations and odors, and the third stage (biological) for breaking down the ammonia and other fish waste. Make sure the capacity of the filter matches the capacity of the fish tank. 

Tap Water and Fish Meal

Ensure that you use tap water to fill the fish tank. Check the ammonia, nitrite, and pH levels in the water before filling up the tank. While the ammonia and nitrite levels should always be at 0, the pH levels can range between 6.5 and 8.25. Get a good brand of fish meal to feed your goldfish. If possible, you may also feed algae, bloodworms, brine shrimp, fish pellets, and flakes. Feed your goldfish two to three times per day, but never over-feed them. Goldfish eat their stomach-full within a minute, so don’t feed them anymore. 

Summing it Up

Rearing goldfish can be relaxing and rewarding. Goldfish make excellent pets and don’t demand too much by way of maintenance and expenditure. 

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4 Ways The ePOD System Changes the Logistics Game Positively

The conventional paper-based delivery systems are still used in the mainstream logistics scene, but it is slowly being replaced with something more innovative.

Everyone knows how frustrating paper-based delivery systems can be, especially for those who work at a logistics company’s back office. They have to deal with mountains of papers every day to sort everything out with their delivery system.

But those days are already gone, thanks to the rise of electronic proof of delivery or the ePOD system. It offers a much better way of tracking paper forms. But there is more to it than meets the eye.

This post lets us see some of the most notable advantages of utilising a proof of delivery app and why your company must take advantage of its efficiency.

  • Improves Business Operation

One of the most obvious reasons why the ePOD system is far better than its predecessors is that it helps improve the logistical aspect of your company. Using it is essential for your logistics chain to accurately deliver a package to its rightful destination and the intended recipient.

Most of the world’s popular logistics companies have already replaced their old systems with the ePOD system, if you would notice. They are no longer lingering in the past using their old system considering their large-scale operations, which covers the entire world.

  • Gives Access to Data Instantly

The ePOD system or the proof of delivery app collects data efficiently from the delivery team in real-time. All the data is transmitted regardless of their location in the world with technology in communication such as the internet. It means the back office instantly reviews the proof of delivery date.

It also helps them generate invoices quickly at the same time, resolving customer issues efficiently. It also helps them schedule deliveries and shipping a lot quicker than the conventional paper-based system.

  • Decreases Customer Dispute Cases

One of the prevalent and biggest problems of a logistics company is customer disputes. The most common logistics problems are missing shipments, wrong delivery address, etc. It is both time-consuming and damaging to a company’s reputation, especially if it results in legal battles.

Equipping your team with an ePOD system helps minimise these incidents. Your delivery drivers can easily send you data of their advanced proof of delivery, such as their GPS time stamps and even photos of the actual delivery. These are solid pieces of evidence you can provide to your customer whenever they dispute the delivery. Wrong shipping addresses, missing shipments, damaged items, and other issues are very prevalent among many logistical companies. So, with the use of this technology, disputes will no longer stress your entire company.

  • Streamlined Operations and Processes

Like other technological innovations, the ePOD system speeds up many processes both in the back office and the field. It replaces manual data entry processes with its real-time delivery of electronic data, which saves your team countless hours of paperwork that are finished in minutes. It is also efficient in delivering or transmitting data between systems for invoicing. Also, it improves your customer communication through automation which reduces inbound calls from your customers. Instead, they now rely on the proof of delivery app, which sends them a real-time notification about their package shipment.


Now that you have figured out the advantages of utilising the ePOD system, it does not matter what industry your business operates in. This technological innovation fits in a wide range of industries and business niches.

The advantages listed above are just a few of a long list of benefits to help a business become more efficient and productive.

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Most Essential iHerb Solutions for Supplements

It is undeniable that the industry which has progressed the most in the last 10 or 15 years has been that of wellness and aesthetics, as well as the segments that involve it such as beauty salons, centers aesthetics, plastic surgery centers, relaxation centers, gymnasiums. In different modalities, private physical education teachers and the food supplement industry, of course. More and more people are doing everything to feel good, either with themselves or to show others. And that’s a full plate for other people’s marketing.

The Obvious Options for You

Obviously this is relatively slow growth that can never be equated with growth abroad, specifically in countries like the United States of America, Canada and Europe in its noblest countries. Despite this, this growth over the past 5 years has taken advantage of a gigantic general industry of different types, qualities, segments, reliability, marketing, profitability, etc. As you can get the coupon for iHerb Greece you can get the right health supplements from the iHerb now.

Tips for choosing good supplements

In the face of this brutal growth, many promises are appearing, many advertisements on each supplement, which leave users or those looking to start using these hair products standing. In addition to all these factors already involved in marketing, we must also take into account the socio-economic issues, who is not the best.

Thus, he seeks to combine quality and amount invested, which must be as little as possible. However, with this concern, many choose to look only at value, forgetting about other important factors, such as credibility, quality and confidence in the product that they adhere to with their expensive money, after all they end up believing that between two protein powder, one imported of very high quality and which costs R $ 200,00 / 900g is less beneficial than a low quality product with the same weight which costs R $ 80 or R $ 100.00. And a lot of people want to see a problem with that, after all they end up thinking that they are paying cheap for something good, when often they don’t.

  • There are countless ways to make a product bad, but these methods may or may not be legal. When legal, it is only a poor quality product or poor quality industrial process. However, the worst part is when it is a bad supplement for illicit items, such as counterfeits, adulterations, additions of compounds (which are often intended for human consumption) etc.
  • Therefore, it is extremely interesting and fundamental to be fully aware of what we are ingesting, not only because of the results, but mainly for our own health.


The problem can be considered even worse when we talk about non-hormonal ergogenic supplements, usually thermogenic supplements, fat burners, stimulants, pre-workouts, etc. These supplements can, when of poor quality, contain half a dozen compounds that are ineffective and unreal for ergogenesis. On the other hand, some may still have unwanted effects due to the inclusion of compounds not declared on the label. This is important to be aware of, as stimulants and others in excess or used incorrectly can easily cause serious problems.


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It’s for Your Health: 5 Things to Know About Private Health Care

There are many advantages to procuring private health care for you and your family. That said, it won’t be for everyone. It can be a tricky thing to figure out, and there is a lot you need to be aware of when choosing and enrolling in any private health care plan.

The quality and coverage of government-provided healthcare vary greatly from country to country, so sometimes going private is best practice.

This article will take you through the basics of private health care: what it entails, what you need to know, and things you should be looking out for. Read on to learn some need-to-know tips about finding private health care, and whether it could be the right option for you.

  1. Your Enrollment Dates

In many countries, it is only possible to sign up for insurance plans within a certain frame, known as an open enrolment period. If you miss this window, then you can only sign up under special circumstances, such as if you are having a baby. Be sure not to miss open enrolment, as it could leave you without cover until the next one rolls around.

  1. It’s Good To Shop Around

In most countries, there is normally at least a handful of big and reputable health insurance companies a person will be able to choose from. You shouldn’t just go with the biggest or most popular, but really take time to shop around to get the best deal and find the one that is affordable and suits all of your specific needs.

  1. Research Is Key

Becoming a member of a private insurance plan is a big decision that can have serious ramifications down the road—financial and otherwise. Before you settle on the plan that’s right for you, it is imperative to research it as much as possible to ensure it’s a good fit. You can also weigh up private using public healthcare using resources such as these statistics.

How much does it cost each month? What kinds of healthcare does it grant you access to? You’ll have to be satisfied with the answers to these questions and more before you make this all-important decision.

  1. Beware of Auto-Renewal

Many insurance plans will automatically renew themselves on an annual basis unless you specify that you do not want them to. It is a good idea to always be aware of renewal/enrollment dates so that you can make sure your plan is still doing everything you need and want. Plans, insurance providers, and your financial situation can all change drastically over the course of a year.

  1. It Can Be Expensive but It’s Worth It

Private health care may be complicated to navigate, but with a little research and financial savvy, it can yield great rewards.

Have access to a bigger and better network of medical care facilities. Make sure your family is well covered. Receive certain things, like dental checkups, for free.

All of these things are possible when you choose the right plan. If you’ve found this post helpful, please have a look at the rest of our health-related content.

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Everything You Need to Know About Laptop Screen Replacement

Are you looking to have the screen of your laptop replaced?

Laptops have become even more popular since the pandemic started. More people have been using them to work and take their online classes from the comfort of their homes. The only problem here is that most of these users are new to laptops.

Most don’t realize how fragile laptops are, especially around the screen area. This causes them to crack or break their screens. If you’re among these people, then you may want to look out for laptop screen replacement services.

Before you make any decisions though, you may want to learn more about the costs of a screen replacement, if your screen is the real issue, and if you can do it yourself. Read what’s below to find out how you can do all these things.

Make Sure the Screen Is the Problem

The first thing you should always do is confirm whether your screen truly is the problem. If the screen has cracks or is mostly shattered, then you can safely assume that. Some issues don’t manifest in the external hardware though.

Most people assume that a screen that doesn’t show anything needs replacement. What most people realize is that there are other problems that cause a screen to be blank.

These problems are often found inside the laptop. The culprits often end up being your laptop’s motherboard or graphics card. It will be likely that your motherboard is the culprit, as it’s among the parts that are most likely to die out first.

To know whether these things or the screen is what’s broken, it’s best to hook your device up to a different monitor. You can even plug it into your television if you have an HDMI cable at the ready.

Turn your device on and connect it to the other screen. If there’s still no display, then consider having your motherboard or graphics card replaced. If it shows something on the second monitor, but nothing on your screen, then a laptop screen replacement is what you truly need.

How Much Does a Screen Replacement Cost?

How much you’ll end up spending on a professional repair job will depend on various factors. Most of the time, it all comes down to the brand of the laptop. This is because different brands will have different specs for the screens of their devices.

It can also come down to the type of screen that your laptop originally had. To learn more about the average costs of these repairs, continue reading what’s below.

LCD Screens

LCD screens are rarely used in the latest lines of laptops nowadays. They’re not as popular anymore because there are better options that produce better quality displays. Because of this though, LCD screen replacements are often on the cheaper side.

You’ll likely spend anywhere from $30-$100 when it comes to screen replacements. The biggest factor to consider will be the model of your laptop. If you have one of the latest ones though, you can expect even LCD replacements to reach up to $750.

LED Screens

LEDs are the more popular choice nowadays because of their sharper display. How much it will cost depends on the kind of LED screen your laptop had. Typical LED displays are often at the cheaper end because of how popular they are, costing you only $50-70.

OLED displays are a bit more expensive because of how complex they are. Their small parts make the replacement more meticulous. The additional costs of $75-100 reflect the labor that’s required for these screens.

AMOLED displays are among the most expensive because they have organic components inside. Typical AMOLED replacements can cost up to $250. If you’re sporting the latest models, it can cost up to $750 to have your screen replaced.

HP Laptop Screens

Starting off the pricing per brand, HP laptops set the bar low. This is because their brand is cost-effective and has a lot of spare parts available in every area.

As long as a model is still popular in the market, you should find a replacement with ease. It will also cost you only around $40, depending on the model. Flagship models often hike the price up to $200.

Dell Screens

Dell is a prestigious brand, making many people believe that their repair services will be expensive. However, their laptop screen repairs will only cost you around $40. Their newer models may jack the price up to $85 since they primarily use LED screens.

A high-end Dell laptop will cost you more though, since they often have AMOLED displays. You’ll end up paying around $250 for screen repairs in this case.

Lenovo Laptop Screens

Lenovo prides itself on having a laptop option for every type of person. The same rings true for their screens, having spares available for both LED and LCD screens. While they may not be the cheapest screens to have replaced, their prices are still great.

The cheapest you can get a screen replaced for is $60. Their latest models can cost you up to $350. If you’re curious about their line up, make sure to look at their selection to find what you’re looking for.

Acer Screens

Acer is another brand that prides itself on having a variety of options available. What’s great about them is that they still produce screens for their older models. They’ll do this as long as someone’s buying them on the market.

This ensures that you won’t have trouble finding the right screen for your laptop. $50 is the cheapest these replacements can go for. Some of their more popular models have a higher price tag though, often reaching $100.

Their latest models have a large screen resolution. This means that the replacement screen will cost you more. Combined with professional services, this can cost you up to $300.

Samsung Laptop Screens

Samsung isn’t a brand known for its laptops. However, the ones they make into their flagship models always become popular. This is the only reason the demand for their displays is still high.

What’s great about that is that it ensures there will always be a spare screen for sale in Samsung stores. Their replacement services start at $60. This is for their models that use the standard LED screens.

Their flagship models though will cost around $200. This is because they’re often more powerful and have a better display.

MacBook Screens

MacBooks are where prices tend to lean towards the higher end. This is more because of their brand than anything else.

The latest models in their line up can cost $300 at the lowest. They can even go as high as $500 if you have the latest model in the market.

Tools for DIY Laptop Screen Replacement

If you want to save some money, then replacing the screen on your own is the best way to go. How to replace a laptop screen by yourself though? You’ll need the right tools for the job.

The first thing you’ll need is a flat, stable surface to work on. You don’t want the surface to tilt from side to side while you’re working on it. It can cause you to slip and damage the internal parts of your laptop.

You’ll also need a small screwdriver to help remove the screws around the screen. It’s better if the screwdriver is magnetic so you don’t have to exert much effort into twisting the screws.

Another tool you’ll need is a hard, thin object like a putty knife. You’ll use this to lift up the bezels of the laptop. You can also use your finger, but it’s liable to damage your casing more than flat putty knives.

Steps for Replacing Your Screen

Now that you have the essential tools in order, the first thing you should do is power down the laptop. Doing this prevents any current from passing through your tools. It’s to stop it from shocking you and causing more damage to your device.

Next, remove the screws on the screen bezels. They’re often near the hinges and are often hidden by small stickers. Once unscrewed, pry the bezels away from the back of the screen case.

At this point, you should have a naked screen. It’s still connected to the metal frame of your laptop though. They’re often screwed in place by up to three screws on each side of the screen.

Once unscrewed, you should be able to lay it flat on your laptop’s keyboard. You’ll see something that’s attaching the screen to the device at the bottom. This is the connector, and it’s often secured by mild adhesives.

Remove the adhesives and tapes on it, and it should come off easily. You can then connect the new screen you have and set it back into your device. Once you’ve secured all the screws you removed, your new screen should be working upon startup.

Learn All About Laptop Screen Replacement Today

A damaged screen doesn’t mean that your laptop needs replacing. Learn all about laptop screen replacement and find out whether your problem is a quick fix, or needs a professional touch.

Are you looking for more guides to teach you about your gadgets and technology? Check out more of our posts to learn everything that you can today! You can also keep yourself updated on the latest trends and developments in the tech industry.

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Symphony of the Seas vs. Harmony of the Seas: The Ultimate Cruise Showdown

After a locked-down 2020, many of us are feeling the itch to get out and see the world again, as soon as it’s safe.

If you’ve got your heart set on taking a cruise, there’s good news. The cruise industry is taking precautions to keep travelers safe once it’s time to set sail again.

That means all you have to worry about is choosing the right cruise ship for your vacation.

We’re here to make the decision easier for you.

Keep reading for an overview of Symphony of the Seas vs Harmony of the Seas to see which of these Royal Caribbean sister ships appeals more to you.

The Basics

While both of these ships were built within the last 5 years, Symphony of the Seas is slightly newer, having been completed in 2018.

It’s also labeled as the world’s biggest cruise ship.

Harmony of the Seas, on the other hand, was finished in 2016. While it’s not as big as Symphony of the Seas, it holds roughly the same number of passengers.


One of the most exciting parts of a cruise is choosing where to go! Both ships sail around the Caribbean, with prices ranging between $748 and $1,845 per person.

Harmony of the Seas also offers a few Mediterranean cruise options, giving you the chance to explore Europe while living a life of luxury. Keep in mind that prices and destinations vary based on time of year.


There’s never a moment of boredom when you’re on a Royal Caribbean ship. Both Symphony of the Seas and Harmony of the Seas have impressive entertainment options to suit any personality.

Symphony of the Seas

When you’re not out exploring a port, you can spend your time playing glow-in-the-dark laser tag, catching waves on the FlowRider® surf simulator, or feeling like a kid again in the Playmakers™ Sports Bar and Arcade.

You can also take in a live Broadway show, like Hairspray. Or, if you prefer a slower pace, book a relaxing spa day.

Harmony of the Seas

Do you have a taste for adventure? Then you’ll love the feeling of the wind in your hair as you zip line nine decks above the boardwalk.

Or, plunge down the tallest water slide at sea, when you go for a ride on the Ultimate Abyss™. And, don’t forget to try your hand at rock climbing while you’re at it.


Are you a fan of meat and potatoes or do you have an undeniable sweet tooth? Better yet, why choose? You can have both (and more) on either ship.

Satisfy any craving with food at one of the following spots, available on both boats:

  • American fare at Johnny Rockets®
  • Italian specialties at Jamie’s Italian by Jamie Oliver
  • The perfect cup of Joe at Starbucks®
  • Healthy and delicious eats at Vitality Cafe
  • The perfect steak at Chops Grille
  • Dinner and a show at Izumi Hibachi and Sushi

Of course, if you’d prefer in-room dining, room service is always available.

Symphony of the Seas vs Harmony of the Seas: No Wrong Choice

Now that you’ve read through a breakdown of Symphony of the Seas vs Harmony of the Seas, you’re ready to book your trip! No matter which ship you choose, you’re sure to have the time of your life.

For more travel inspiration as you plan your trip, check back to read our new articles daily.

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How a Divorce Lawyer Can Level the Field During a Divorce

If you were in a bad marriage, it would be in your best interest to look forward to seeking separation from your spouse. It would be a good option for you along with the children, if any, in a divorce case. When it comes to handling a divorce case, consider looking for a divorce lawyer having adequate experience in the legal arena. The experience and expertise of a divorce lawyer would be important for the protection of your rights. Therefore, you should not be complacent with your divorce lawyer hiring needs. Among the several options that you may come across, look for a  Perrysburg divorce lawyer near you. 

The divorce lawyer would ensure to protect your rights in the divorce case. He would also ensure that you get equal rights when settling the terms of the divorce. However, the law is pro-women. It implies that the law usually favors women. As a result, the custody of a young child is usually given to the mother of the child. It could be settled in the terms of divorce if the mother is willing to give the custody of the child to the father of the child. If you were looking forward to settling the terms of the divorce, consider looking for the best lawyer to help you settle the divorce case amicably. 

When you settle the divorce matter without professional legal assistance, rest assured that you would have a lower chance to settle the matter on your terms, especially with an attorney representing your spouse against you. It would be important for you to level the field with an experienced lawyer representing you in the court of law. The chances of settling the divorce matter out of the court would be helpful in saving money and protecting your rights in the court of law. 

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