The term English coworking means the sharing of the office, by professionals, to save and thus contain the amount of out-of-pocket expenses.
What is coworking?
Coworking is a form of sharing the work environment that is carried out in order to contain management costs, with a substantial saving. It was born in the United States and developed rapidly throughout the world, also to meet the needs arising from the economic crisis. Generally, professionals who use a fixed space in which to carry out their tasks do not want to bear the financial weight represented for example by rent, bills and various payments. For more you can have the visit to
Which typology of professionals does coworking use?
They take part in the coworking experience of the professional figures (mainly freelancers) who work in teams or carry out their activities individually. This category includes managerial groups dealing with a transitional project, or professional associations, such as lawyers, accountants and labor consultants who can work together or each for himself, according to needs.
What is shared
The coworkers not only share the workplace, divided into private rooms or structured in an open space in which the spaces are distinguished with sliding or separating walls, but above all possible employees, such as secretaries or collaborators, as well as, of course, equitably dividing fixed costs, such as rent, utilities and shared equipment. Each worker participates in equal parts, as established in advance.
The advantages of coworking
The advantages of this working division are undeniable, both from an economic-financial and a production point of view. The collective work, in fact, whether in a team or not, makes it possible to optimize the results as the workers are stimulated and encouraged to do more and to compare themselves with their colleagues.
Dialogue, harmony but also any contrasts are highly formative from a personal point of view because they enrich the subject with new experiences, useful for the future. While in the past these forms of subdivision constituted real rarities, today instead, with the change of customs and of the world of work, various analogous realities are developed, developed not only abroad but also in Italy. Lately, thanks also to the interest of the press, which has dealt with the phenomenon in a widespread manner, coworking has assumed relevance also at national level.
Why choose a coworking
What is coworking? What is it for? What are its advantages? Read the article to find out.
What is coworking?
Coworking is a shared work space, useful for free professions, companies and startups that want to work together and collaboratively.
Why so successful? Let’s see the advantages.
Economic advantages
One of the most important advantages is that coworking eliminates the start-up costs of private offices and reduces the time needed to find the office. This is because coworking offers a work space including:
- physical work station
- Internet connection infrastructure
- cleaning, maintenance, insurance
- conference room (by reservation) and common rooms
All at the cost of a monthly subscription, where a signature is required on the membership contract containing rates and space rules.
Greater flexibility
Coworking is very flexible, because it does not require you to sign leases ranging from 2 to 10 years like the classic offices, but offers more flexible possibilities. It is also suitable for those looking for immediate solutions. It also allows you to easily accommodate additional employees or collaborators.