Do you regret your decision for going through with tubal litigation? If so, you’re not alone.
A national survey revealed that 28% of American women who underwent the procedure end up wanting another baby. Fortunately, you can reverse this surgery.
Read on to learn how to get pregnant after tubal litigation.
How Tubal Litigation Works
Before learning how to reverse tubal litigation, you should understand how it affects your body. Some refer to the procedure as female sterilization because it nearly permanently prevents a woman from getting pregnant.
Every month, a woman’s ovary releases an egg during ovulation. It travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus.
If fertilized by sperm, the cells begin to proliferate and it attaches to the uterus for pregnancy. Otherwise, menstruation begins and the cycle starts over.
During tubal litigation, a surgeon cuts, ties, or blocks the fallopian tubes so the sperm and egg cannot meet. The body simply absorbs the egg and the woman goes through normal cycles.
Can You Get Pregnant After Tubal Litigation?
Yes, you can get pregnant after tubal litigation. This can happen in several ways.
Sometimes the efforts fail and an accidental pregnancy occurs. Other times, women want a baby and decide to reverse the procedure.
Accidental Pregnancy
An accidental pregnancy following tubal litigation creates cause for concern, and not just because mom does not want a child. Surgery blocked off the fallopian tube so the egg cannot pass through.
Sometimes, the much smaller sperm squeezes past the blockage and fertilizes the egg. This results in an ectopic pregnancy.
It can threaten the mother’s life. So she must take tubes tied pregnancy symptoms seriously.
How To Get Pregnant After Tubal Litigation
Some women change their minds after tubal litigation. If you want a baby after getting your tubes tied, contact an OBGYN that specializes in this.
They can reverse the procedure for you in two ways.
Tubal Repair Surgery
A surgical reversal requires you to go under anesthesia. But, your surgeon will use laparoscopy.
This means they only create small incisions and cause minimal disruption to the body. During surgery, they reconnect the tubes and remove any scar tissue that may block the passage of the egg.
This surgery does not result in a successful pregnancy for everybody. If it does, it may take a while to get pregnant.
In Vetro Fertilization (IVF)
IVF allows women to get pregnant without going under the knife. It works by a surgeon vaginally extracting eggs from the ovaries and then placing fertilized eggs into the uterus.
Some couples do feel that this takes away from the intimacy of making a baby. It may also result in multiples since they will typically insert more than one egg to help ensure successful implantation.
Is Reversal Right For You?
You made a big decision when deciding on tubal litigation. And now you know how to get pregnant after tubal ligation. Use all of the information available to you to make the best choice for your life.
Whatever decision you go with, take the best care of yourself! Find great wellness tips on our health page.