Cats are unquestionably one of the most sanitary animals on the planet. If you’ve ever seen your cat groom itself, you know how long it can go without stopping. About 10% of a cat’s waking hours are devoted to combing their fur. All of that grooming may lead you to imagine that it will help your cat avoid one of the world’s most unpleasant parasites, the flea, but in reality, it will have no such impact.
When it comes to preventing fleas from getting into your home, keeping your cat inside is no safer than keeping them outdoors. Interested in learning how to determine if your cat has fleas? This article will give you with the telltale signs that your cat is harbouring unwanted guests in your home.
Excessive Grooming Will Begin In Your Cats
One of the earliest signs of a flea infestation is a change in your cat’s grooming habits. After a while, brushing your cat may become more like an adrenaline-pumping sport than a relaxing pastime. Even if your cat is a master of self-care, a swarm of fleas is no match for them.
The back of your cat’s legs, neck, or tail base may go bald as a result of excessive grooming, including licking, gnawing, scratching, or biting. Biting, chewing, scratching, or biting may also cause hair loss. Fleas may be hiding in your cat’s skin if you notice even the smallest change in the cat’s behaviour. For Identifying Cat Fleas you need to know all.
Your Cat Develops Rashes Or Bumps That Look Like Scabs On The Skin
When a flea bites your cat, its mouthparts will pierce its skin like a needle to feed. If injected into your cat, flea saliva might cause an allergic reaction. The skin of some cats turns red and inflamed, whereas the skin of others only has a minor response. If you see red skin lesions or lumps that mimic scabs on your pet, you must contact a veterinarian immediately. Inflammation will be reduced, and the body will be better able to fight infection as a result.
Either Your Cat’s Strength Or The Colour Of Its Gums Decline
If left untreated, a cat with a severe flea infestation may lose so much blood that it develops anaemia. The ailment may affect cats of any age, although it is more common in newborn kittens. However, if the infestation is severe, any age of cat might be affected. Your cat should be taken to the vet as soon as you observe it behaving in a peculiar way.
Right Away, Your Cat Will Start To Lose Weight
Fleas transmit the immature stage of the tapeworm that causes the most common kind of tapeworm infection, in addition to a host of other health hazards. To eat and grow, the tapeworm must attach itself to the intestinal wall of your cat if it swallows a flea that is infected with it during grooming. Even though tapeworms are seldom the cause of evident signs of illness in cats, they are unsightly and potentially harmful to humans, particularly if there are young children in the home. If you want to safeguard the health of your family, including your cat, veterinary personnel can help you get rid of the fleas that are causing the tapeworm to spread.