There are many types of events that involve hosting guests. There are weddings, embassy receptions, massive birthday parties and others. Hosts should always put themselves in the shoes of their guests. This way, they can put together events that will satisfy the needs and expectations of said guests on most occasions.
However, sometimes hosts do not meet certain criteria and guests go home unsatisfied. This can occur due to many reasons. More often than not, hosts and managers can control how well these events flow.
We often hear the complaints of guests after certain events. We have compiled some of these for your consideration.
The event wasn’t lead effectively
If guests complain about this, it could be for multiple reasons. Maybe the event felt longer than it should because the time for each part wasn’t used at it should have been. Perhaps the time considerations weren’t realistic enough, and the event didn’t go as planned. Many of these are related to the interests and expectations of the guests.
To avoid this issue, be sure that:
-Your event is scheduled in a way that ensures the time is used effectively, so:
Give priority to parts that you know that will take longer.
Try to hire a host that is known for being effective, and that doesn’t divagate when talking.
Don’t let anyone hijack the event. Sometimes, people do this without even noticing, but you should be polite and take control of the situation. If someone from the public participates in the event, let them know that there is a limited amount of time available, if someone takes too long, interrupt this person politely and move on with the event.
Be sure that the event is evenly balanced: People can get bored during events. Don’t hesitate to manipulate the schedule so that it comes across as balanced as possible. For example, if the event contains entertainment and business content, be sure to balance them out in favor of the attendees and their priorities.
The hosts weren’t properly identified.
This is not very frequent, but sometimes at big events that are fast-paced, people fail to recognize their hosts fast enough. This is frequent at conventions and other events that involve a lot of attendees.
To avoid this, you can:
Have good identification resources for the hosts:
This can include a uniform, some easily identifiable clothing items. If you are at a facility that is being used by other companies, make sure that your host’s uniform sticks out from the rest.
Use a specific type of identification document or badge. In most big events, you will often need to clarify to the attendees who are their hosts. Use Badge holders so that your hosts can wear their ID cards or badges with their names at every moment. You can buy some badge holders UK for them online. Make sure they are of good quality too.
You can make sure that your hosts are vocal enough and identify themselves frequently. This can be convenient for smaller events, such as embassy receptions. However, when these are held at great locations, such as in a hotel’s event room, this won’t be very effective and may even be unnoticed by the participants.
The event was redundant
Some events are held twice a year or more. Whatever the frequency they may be held at,
they should always offer something new. Otherwise, participants will feel that they are losing their time there. They do not want to go to an event that felt like the previous one.
To avoid this situation, follow these tips:
After each event, make a list of all the results and reception that the event had:
This will help you notice if the event improved the relationship between hosts and guests.
Plan the next steps to improve this relationship:
If you already covered their interests and expectations, you can always aim for more. You can rely on current events for this. It is always good to consider what is going on in the world or the country if you want to stay relevant to the public. Hosting events is not an easy task, so stay informed and be relevant!