
Three Major Challenges to Community Safety and Security

After you get yourself a good job, ensure the safety and financial security of your family, and move into a good community, you might think your problems are over.

However, crime can strike anywhere. It only takes some difficult world events shifts in the economy, and a slacking on security measures for crime to pop up in your safe community. Just look at the city of Newark in the 1960’s — what was once a strong and safe city quickly turned into a hellhole of violence and destruction.

This is why every good citizen should care about community safety. This article will walk you through three challenges to public safety that every great neighborhood needs to overcome.

1. Burglary

Over one million burglaries happen every year in the United States. It’s entirely possible that burglary can happen in a “safe”. . . and even an affluent neighborhood — after all, that’s where all of the great property is. It only takes one burglary to give other criminals ideas, and to get children living in fear.

Keep yourself — and your neighbors — safe by blurring your home on Google Maps. Get your neighbors to blur their homes as well. Consider buying the “ring app” on your smartphone, which will tell you when someone is at your door.

If you can, come to a local government meeting and address this. You might well convince your local mayor and trustees that it’s important to make an announcement.

Petition to start a neighborhood watch — particularly if you live in a small town. The best way to stay safe is to make sure that everyone in your community watches out for each other.

2. Drugs

Drugs can destroy a community from the inside. Even in suburbs, young adults have been known to get addicted to various substances. This leads to whole cultures of drug addictions developing.

While the war on drugs has been proven to be ineffective, and the solution surely isn’t arresting these kids, steps need to be taken. Make sure that your community emphasizes parents teaching their children about the effect of drugs.

3. Nearby Prisons

The people who are most likely to commit crimes are those who’ve committed crimes already. If you have a jail in your community, it’s important to know who’s incarcerated there, and when they’re getting out. Thankfully, the internet has made it easier than ever to do this.

To learn about all of the residents in your nearest public safety facility — like this site did for Hennepin County.

Take Charge of Community Safety

If good citizens want to keep themselves and their families safe, they have to care about community safety. Make sure that you take measures to prevent burglars by developing a neighborhood watch, keep your kids from doing drugs to protect your community from the inside, and use the internet to watch nearby prisons.

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