
Boost Your SEO Ranking by Using Backlinks and Keywords

A backlink occurs when one website links to another, referencing the other site. For search engines to identify the link as a backlink, it must be clickable.

Major determining elements that influence how well your website performs in search engine results are high-quality backlinks. These backlinks must also be on websites with pertinent content. Furthermore, these websites must be highly ranked and authoritative websites. The more high-quality backlinks you have coming from other websites, the better you will rank.

Linkascope can offer you suitable backlinks monitoring tools that can help you to make proper amendments to your site to increase your SEO.

Another important item is the keyword, which is a phrase or a word that will be used by most of your prospects to search for your product or service. Keywords are usually well researched so it will have the maximum possibility that your prospects will use this phrase.

Busy Foxcan also help youwithbacklinks outreach as well as keyword research so that it can help in your SEO build-up and bring your website within the top 5 positions on the results of search engine results.

How to build your backlinks?

Due to the significance of search engine positioning, backlinking should always be one of your top SEO concerns.


Write articles referencing your website, business, or product using well-known keywords. This keyword tool might help you findexactly what you are searching for if you have no idea where to begin when researching keywords for your website.


It can be helpful to leave comments on a few other articles that are relevant to your product or website. Make sure to provide a link to your website or product that is relevant to the article when you begin to comment. You never know who will link to your website or write an impressive article about it.


To know which websites are connecting back to you, it is critical to keep proper track of your backlinks. To keep proper track of your date, URLs, contacts, and comments, you can create an excel spreadsheet.

Don’t forget Metadata too for SEO!

Consider metadata problems as the “mechanical problems” that slow down your site’s performance and are just as crucial to SEO results as keywords and backlinks. As a result, a neglected site should not appear in search as a “useful resource” for the searcher. Search bots are intended to interpret the presence of metadata errors on your site as a sign of site neglect.

Due to their “mechanical nature,” metadata problems can and will recur throughout the year, therefore you should routinely check for them. Depending on the platform that runs your website, these Metadata problems can be resolved from the backend by, for example, filling out an underutilized “page summary” section or text description of your page image that search bots rely on.

If you have a business operating in Australia then consider registering on the web directory called BLEEN, where all Australian businesses can be found. This platform can also help in your SEO explaining and offer you a gain on your SEO effort.