
Cellulite – What Are Causes & Treatments?

When it comes to face lumpy skin in different body areas, then it may occur due to the Cellulite. It is a specific kind of disease which can affect the patient’s appearance and some other factors. Some individuals are trying to know that what causes cellulite among women. Mainly it affects the fatty individuals. The area those targeted by cellulite are –

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Breasts

If we talk about the scientific studies, then it mainly affects the women more as compared to the men. It does not cause a harmful disease, and it affects the body shape or appearance only. Common reasons for such a kind of disease are – fat, connective tissue, and muscle distribution.

Major causes of cellulite

There are lots of reasons available those lead to cellulite in the body. You should be focused on these reasons and try to manage the activities by which you can avoid the disease. Now I’m going to mention some major causes of such a disease.

  • Hormones

Sometimes, the body is facing different types of changes. These changes are becoming a reason for lots of things such as – hormonal changes. Changes in the hormones can be a reason of cellulite and some other ones. Mainly these hormones are catecholamines and insulin. Both hormones are useful in managing the fat.

  • Lifestyle

In case you are living an unhealthy lifestyle then you may face the cellulite. Eating unhealthy food leads to carbohydrate in the body and become a reason for lots of other factors. Mainly these factors related to the blood circulation, improper work of body and so on.

  • Pregnancy

During the pregnancy, the females are facing different types of conditions. Due to all these conditions, the fat starts getting an increase in the body. Sometimes, the increase in fat cells is becoming a big reason for cellulite.

  • Inactivity

Many people are engaged in sitting jobs or work. Due to it, they are facing laziness or lots of inactivities. All these are providing unnecessary body comfort and lead to fat cells. Consequently, the lumpy skin starts creating and becoming a big reason for cellulite.

These some points can help you in getting an answer to the question, what causes cellulite among women. In case you are facing such a kind of health conditions then you should consider the way of experts’ advice.

Treatment for cellulite

The individuals have different options when it comes to treat the cellulite. Following are some of these.

Lotions and creams

In the market, you can see different types of products that can help you in treating the disease. These types of creams include various useful ingredients like – retinol, caffeine and some natural components. All these things are providing comfort to skin and a perfect treatment of cellulite.


The individuals have some options related to the therapies. The way of these therapies can help you in getting an effective treatment. Most common therapies are – light or laser and acoustic wave therapy. You should take proper advice from the experts when it comes to the selection of perfect cellulite treatment.