Home Improvement

Dos And Don’ts Of Proper And Regular Garden Box Maintenance

What better vessel to grow your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers than garden boxes? They’re cute, low-maintenance, and fulfill your plants’ growth needs effectively. However, to keep your greenery healthy and thriving, it is essential to maintain your garden box properly. Otherwise, things can can out of hand quite fast.

Regular maintenance will help your plants to grow better and produce a larger yield. In this article, we will go over the dos and don’ts of proper and regular garden box maintenance.

Do: Consider Watering From Below

Overwatering can lead to severe root rot, which can cause diseases and pests to thrive. But avoiding it isn’t always as straightforward. So, simply fill a tray with water and place it under your garden box.

Your plants will absorb water through the drainage holes at the bottom of the box. Watering from below also ensures that only the right amount of water reaches the roots of your plants. For your leaves, consider light misting to keep them fresh.

Don’t: Miss The Signs Of Overwatering

While watering your garden box is essential, it is also important not to overwater your plants. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can be fatal to your plants. Signs of overwatering include yellowing leaves, moldy soil, and a sour smell. If you notice these signs, reduce the amount of water you give and ensure that the soil drains well.

Do: Use The Right Mulch

Mulch is a material that is placed over the soil to help regulate moisture, temperature, and weed growth. Using the right mulch can help your garden box thrive. Organic mulches such as straw, wood chips, and shredded leaves can improve soil quality over time as they decompose. Inorganic mulches such as rocks or pebbles can be used to decorate your garden box.

Don’t: Forget To Till The Soil

Tilling the soil can help aerate it and break up any clumps, allowing water and nutrients to reach the roots of your plants. Tilling the soil also helps to remove weeds and pests that may be lurking in the soil. However, it is important not to till too deeply, as this can damage the roots of your plants.

Do: Use The Proper Tools

Using the proper tools is essential for proper garden box maintenance. Make sure you have a good-quality trowel, pruner, and cultivator. These tools will help you to remove weeds, prune your plants, and aerate the soil.

Don’t: Ignore The Need For Placement Changes

While garden boxes are easy to move, it is important not to ignore the need for placement changes. Different plants require different amounts of sun, shade, and water.

Moving your garden box to a new location can help ensure that your plants get the right amount of sun. It might also protect certain plants, like succulents or dragon trees, from fatal overexposure.

Do: Consider Disinfecting From Time To Time

Disinfecting your garden box from time to time can help prevent the spread of diseases and pests. To disinfect your garden box, clean it thoroughly with a solution of one-part bleach and nine parts water. Afterwards,rinse the box thoroughly with clean water before planting anything new. Use this solution on your tools, too.

Don’t: Use Harmful Chemicals Or Paints

Using harmful chemicals or paints on your garden box can be dangerous for your plants and the environment. Avoid using pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides unless it is absolutely necessary. If you must use them, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and keep them out of reach of children and pets.


Clearly, the timely and proper upkeep of your garden box is essential for the health and growth of your plants. You can ensure that your garden box will continue to thrive and provide you with fresh herbs, vegetables, and flowers. For best, start with easier plants and move upwards to Monsteras and the lot!